Effect of Pomegranate extract on P53 expression in Cancer Cell line (Hep-2)


  • Zaynab S. Abdul-Gany Iraqi Center for cancer and medical genetic research/ Al-Mustansiriya University
  • Maeda H. Mohammad Iraqi Center for cancer and medical genetic research/ Al-Mustansiriya University




Background: Pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruits are widely consumed as juice. The potent antioxidant and antiatherosclerotic activities of pomegranate are attributed to its polyphenols. Aim: Pomegranate extract were evaluated for in vitro cytotoxic and its effect on the level of p53 in Hep2 (Human larynx epidermal carcinoma). Methods: Aqueous extraction of pomegranate was prepared and in vitro cytotoxicity and amount of p53 was evaluated on cancer cell line Hep2 (Human larynx epidermal carcinoma). Results: The study showed that the pomegranate extract has greatest antiproliferative activity by inhibition proliferation from 13% to 73.9%, at 10 µg/ml and 24 hr period of exposure. Also, the study showed significant decrease of p53 in treated group in comparison to control. Conclusions: According to the in vitro antiproliferative activity, inhibition of p53 expression pomegramate extracts may be possess a potent anticancer activity.






Cancer Research