Realtime qRT-PCR Expression of P53, KRAS, and human Telomerase genes in circulating tumor cells, as potential biomarkers for early detection of sporadic colorectal cancer


  • Ayser H. Latif



Objectives: The objectives of present study were to investigate the potential use of mRNA of P53, KRAS, and human telomerase genes in circulating tumor cells as biomarkers for early detection of sporadic cases of colorectal cancer. Background: Inspite of colorectal cancer is a curable disease if detected early; it is still the third leading cause of death from cancer. There is an ultimate need for implementing an accurate and noninvasive screening method. The recent advances in molecular genetics have showed that the genes of P53, KRAS and human telomerase play major roles in development of colorectal cancer. Therefore the study of their expression in blood samples might be used as a mean for early detection of sporadic colorectal carcinoma cases. Methods: A case control pilot study in which 20 patients with non-metastatic colorectal carcinoma in Duke’s stages (A – C, TNM from 0 – III) and 20 healthy controls were enrolled. Expression of studied genes and the housekeeping gene Glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase were determined using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The study was performed in duplicate taking 1µg of total RNA from each sample. Results: The results showed significant overexpression of mRNAs of studies genes in samples taken from cases of proved colorectal carcinoma compared to that of controls group with a statistically significant P- value of ​






Cancer Research