Cytogenetic study on some common bone tumours


  • Nahi Y . Yaseen



This study aimed to detect the consistent chromosomal abnormalities of each type of common bone tumours . Thirty bone tumors specimens were processed for direct cytogenetic preparation , only (9 cases) showed success results for chromosomal preparation by banding technique , the results of cytogenetic study were 1- Osteosarcoma (4) cases revealed multiple numerical and structural changes with complex karyotype and pronounced cell to cell variation . chromosome 17 was the most frequent involved in these chromosomal alteration . Also loss or structural changes of chromosome 13 was found in (2) cases of osteosarcoma loss or gain of sex chromosome were detected in these cases , loss of Y chromosome in (2) cases ; loss of X chrosome in (1) case and gain of X chrosome in another case . 2- Osteochnodroma : reveled the simple numerical change with no structural change in one case . 3- Chondroblastoma : in this tumor structural and numerical abnormalities of chrosome 5 . 4- Chondrosarcoma : showed chromosomal aberration with multiple numerical and structural changes in chromosome (1) was of interest and monsomy 18 was reported in one case . 5- Giant cell tumors : It showed a complex changes and the range of chromosomal number was 50 – 58 with the characteristic telomeric fusion in malignant cases while simple numerical change only in benign giant cell tumor . Conclusion Cytogenetic study of both benign and malignant bone tumors have revealed abnormlities in the number and / or structures of chromosomes X, Y , 1,5,6,11 , 13,17,18 and complex chromosomal changes in malignant types of bone tumors .






Cancer Research