Expression of MAO gene in both starved and non-starved glioblastoma cancer cell line

Expression of MAO gene in glioblastoma


  • zaynab abdulghany iraqi center for cancer and medical genetics research/ mustansiriyah university
  • Noah A. Mahmood Medical genetic department, Iraqi center for cancer and medical genetics research/ Mustansiriyah University/ Baghdad/ Iraq.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Iraqi cancer registry، serum starvation، glioblastoma cancer cell lines، MAO gene expression


Background: The relationship between cancer cell aggression induced by serum starvation and cell metastasis has been studied. Serum starvation is a typical way to induce tumor cell apoptosis, and stress may affect cell growth. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) was discovered as a mitochondrial enzyme that plays a role both as tumor suppressor and as an oncogenic factor in promoting tumor cell growth. Glioblastoma is a deadly cancer in the 4th rank reported in the Iraqi Cancer Registry 2020.
Aim of the study: The deprivation of serum from cultured media for glioblastoma cancer cell line (AMGM5) was tested after three different durations 24, 48, and 72h.
Methods: Comparison of MAO gene expression between starved and non-starved glioblastoma cell lines was measured using real-time PCR.
Results: The results indicated an increase in MAO gene expression in serum deprivation of cultured cells compared significantly (p<0.03) to non-starved cancer cell lines.
Conclusion: the increase in MAO expression in well-established cell populations of the AMGM5 cancer cell line in a serum-containing microenvironment compared to a lower MAO level in starved cells suggests the importance of cancer therapy using deprived microenvironments.






Cancer Research